Before the Session

  • You are requested to appear the designated room in plenty of time to the session start. Speakers are also asked to be in the session room at the moment, so that the pre-session meeting between chairs and speakers could be held in case of need.
  • Each presenter will be provided with total allotted time as bellow. Please manage the timing of the presentations and check that all runs smoothly.
  Total Allotted Time
Plenary lectures 40min.
Keynote papers 40min.
Invited papers 35min.
Regular papers 20min.

During the Session

Please briefly introduce the speaker and the title of the paper at the beginning of the presentation.
Please encourage discussions after the presentation. Try to give chair’s comments at the end of each presentation.

  • Please be connected with keeping time in schedule, and strictly enforce each time limit for each presentation time slot.
  • If the speaker is absent, please do not skip but take a break for the session time.
  • Only presenters whose names are written on the program book are acceptable to make a presentation.
  • Session room staffs will be assigned in every session room to support Session Chairs. Please request them for cooperation if you have any problems
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